- Coronary artery diseases (Open & MICS , On pump & Off Pump Surgery)
- Heart valve surgery such as heart valve repair and heart valve replacement (Open & MICS).
- Major aortic Surgery (Aortic root, ascending aorta, aortic arch, descending thoracic aorta & thoraco-abdominal).
- TEVAR (Thoracic Endo Vascular Aneurysm Repair)
- Heart failure surgery
- Surgery to treat congenital heart defects in children and congenital heart disease in adults
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Atrial Fibrillation(cryo-ablation)
- Pulmonary Embolectomy
- ECMO (VA & VV)
- Lung Cancer (Open, VATS & Uniportal VATS – complex & simple resection)
- Sleeve Lobectomy
- Empyema Thoracic
- Pneumothorax
- Mediastinal tumour
- Myaesthenia gravis – Uniportal VATS
- Hyperhydrosis – Uniportal VATS
- Chest trauma
- Tracheal Surgery – (Open repair & Tracheo-Bronchial Stenting)
- Chest Wall Resection
- Minimally Invasive Pectus Excavatum repair
- Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
- Valve Surgeries
- Thoracic Lung Surgery + VATS Surgery + Uniportal Surgeries
- Aorta and Great Vessels and Paediatric Surgery
Our surgeons are well versed and trained in both on pump and off pump surgeries. We also offer minimally invasive coronary bypass grafting ( MIDCAB) if patient is deemed fit.
All ranges of cases are done in our division. This includes complex CABG with multiple co morbidities, redo CABG & combine CABG & valve procedures.
Almost 60% of our Cardiac Surgery work is Coronary Artery Bypass Graft. We perform Total Arterial Revascularization for patients who are suitable for it according to the guidelines. Almost 90% of all our vein harvest are done via Endoscopic Vein Harvest when deemed suitable.

Our surgeons are trained in dealing all valvular pathology incorporating modern method of valvular repair and replacement methods.
We also can offer minimally invasive mitral repair/replacement, minimally invasive tricuspid annuloplasty, minimally invasive cryoMaze procedure.
All mitral valve pathology mainly regurgitation are done as repair. This procedure is done either as open or minimally invasive. Patients with Atrial Fibrillation are treated with concomitant cryo-ablation. We also perform standard Aortic Valve Replacement (mechanical & bioprosthetic) & Sutureless Aortic Valve Replacement.

We are able to offer multiple types of surgery procedures, to treat, lung cancers, mediastinal mass, lung bullaes, thoracis empyema, hyperhydrosis, using video-assisted minimally invasive surgeries.
All cases for surgery are discussed in a MDT (Multi Displinary Team) meeting and subsequently listed if they are suitable for surgery. We offer all ranges of lung cancer surgery which includes simple Lobectomy , Segmentectomy, Wedge Resection, Sleeve Lobectomy & Pneumonectomy. All these are done via open surgery or Uniportal VATS surgery when deemed suitable. We also perform complex mediastinal tumour surgeries via open or VATS.
We also offer surgery for all pleural diseases via open or VATS. Pneumothorax and Pleural Effusion makes the bulk of this. All ranges of Tracheal surgery is also offered here which includes open repair and resection and Tracheo-Bronchial Stenting. All complex chest wall tumour are operated in a MDT (Multi Displinary Team) approach with the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery team. We also offer surgery for Hyperhydrosis (Sweaty Palms) and Minimally Invasive Pectus Excavatum repair.

We are also able to offer surgeries for Aortic aneurysm, aortic dissections, root replacements, TEVAR. All ranges of complex aortic surgery is offered by our centre. We have a MOU with Mr Jorge Mascaro (Consultant Aortic Surgeon UK) to discuss all this cases and to plan accordingly. Surgeries for aortic root which includes Bentall procedure and Valve Sparing Root Replacement are offered in our centre. We also perform Ascending Aorta Replacement and Total Aortic Arch Replacement with frozen elephant trunk. Pathology related to Descending Thoracic Aorta mainly aneurysm and dissection are addressed via open or endo vascular surgery (TEVAR). We also accept all Aortic emergency cases which includes Aortic Dissection, Leaking Aortic Aneurysm & Traumatic Transected Aorta. All Aortic cases are discussed in our Aortic and Endo Vascular MDT.
Our surgeons are also comfortable operation on congenital cardiac pathologys like TOF, ASD, VSD.